Slow DownProductivity is heavily valued in our society. So much so that some people feel that if they’re not busy, then they’re wasting time...I...
Why Motivation won't Help You to Reach Your Goals“You won’t always be motivated, so you must be disciplined.” I don’t know who came up with this quote, but I found it a few days ago and...
8 Tips for College FreshmanDay 1 of college is coming up quicker than you expected. You may be nervous, excited, or even dreading the first day of classes a little...
Don't Let Your Dreams Stay DreamsDon’t let fear of the unknown be the reason you don’t try something new. If you got it, use it. If you don't got it, learn it.
Is College Really Like they Say it IsWhen most people think of college, they think of parties and freedom and basically anything that movies have portrayed it to be. As with...
DriftingDrifting away from friends or just losing them altogether is a pain that cuts really deep. It seems like it takes a lifetime to fully be...