Study Abroad ScheduleStudying abroad involves a very interesting schedule that I’ve never experienced before. We obviously have class and still need to set...
HomesickI’m in one of the most beautiful places & am super grateful to be here, but I'm also longing to be at home. Homesickness is something else.
OverwhelmedBeing overwhelmed sucks. It makes you feel like you’re losing (or have already lost) all control and like you really don’t know what to...
Kae Studies AbroadHello! As you can see, I am still alive, and made it safely to Costa Rica. (If you didn’t know before this, I am alive and made it safely...
YieldYield: to surrender or submit oneself to another; relinquish. I’ve decided that this will be the word that I focus on in 2020; It’s one...
I'm LeavingIf you didn’t already know, I’m leaving. Not forever, but for a minute. From January 10th until May 8th, I will be studying abroad in San...